Licence no.:- 25D/11/2004 Ensuring GMP standards for Ayurvedic, Siddha, and Unani medicines English hindi

Dosha Concern

Our Categories - By Dosha Concern

Explore our categories to find the right Ayurvedic solutions based on your unique dosha concerns.

Vata Balance

Vata Balance

Calm and ground Vata with Ashwagandha, Bala, and Sesame Oil to nourish your body and mind.

Pitta Balance

Pitta Balance

Cool and calm Pitta with Aloe Vera, Sandalwood, and Neem to reduce heat and inflammation.

Kapha Balance

Kapha Balance

Energize and revitalize Kapha with Ginger, Turmeric, and Trikatu to stimulate metabolism.

Tri-Dosha Balance

Tri-Dosha Balance

Balance all three doshas with Triphala, ensuring holistic health and well-being.